Friday, July 6, 2012

Keeping up with Facebook Changes

Facebook keeps changing, and every week (hopefully you're logging in at least that often), you will notice a new change.  Many people are unhappy with the changes, but this social media platform is still one of the leading ways to get your business exposure.  It's hard to keep up with the changes, so what do you do?
Facebook logo
 Some important new changes to consider, as of 7/6/12:
  • Timeline layout- Most users have finally grown accustomed to this layout, and some are still very unhappy with it.  No matter how you feel about the timeline, it is here to stay.
  • For Facebook business pages with 400 fans and more, there is a "promote" feature.  If you don't pay for exposure, only 10% of your fans or less will see your post.  Yes, folks, this is what happens when shares go public and Facebook needs to make $. 
  • Number of views, Organic and Viral for each post.  I actually like this feature. The higher the viral number, the better.  It translates to the number of people you reach outside of your page fans, i.e., non-fans.
 Tips to make the most of these changes:
  • Timeline Layout- Utilize the layout to your advantage.  Upload a cover photo (815 x 315 pixels) that is eye-catching and makes it obvious what your product/service is.  Add box features (the little boxes underneath you cover photo on your page.  Blog feed, Twitter Feed, Contests, Photo Gallery, etc. fill the space up and make it more interactive.  Click here for a good example of the use of feature boxes.  There are many good companies out there that offer free apps for these boxes, such as Involver and TradableBits.
  • Promote Feature- Before you go spending your money to get your status updates seen by more fans, try a few experiments.  ALWAYS post an eye-catching photo with your status updates and never post text only.  Do not just post about your product/service, offer your fans interesting facts, funny photos, unique photos, and also share posts from other businesses or pages.  Comment on other pages' posts as your business (fan) page.  Update often, and take note of days/times you post and which get the best results.  You strategy for getting people engaged with your page (liking, commenting, sharing) really depends on the type of business your page is about and your demographic.  Contact Us if you need help coming up with a strategy. 
Those are just some tidbits to help you start to adjust.  Many people ask me what is replacing Facebook with so many unhappy users.  The answer is no one knows yet, but there is bound to be a new one soon!  

Questions? Just ask!  And feel free to Visit us on Facebook!

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